component test bench

Equipment and component test

Imagine and test

NEU-JKF Process has a wide range of standard and tailor made components and equipment. Each component and equipment are tested on test benches before being expedite on site. Hundreds of equipment are passed through the hands of our technical experts before being delivered worldwide.

How does it work?

| Each equipment is received at our La Chapelle d'Armentières site in our test centre where we have a three-dimensional test bench and a specific acceptance station.

| This station is designed to carry out temperature tests, pressure tests, leakage air flow tests, rotation tests, leakage tests....

| All results are automatically analysed, compared to theoretical values and any anomalies are highlighted. The data collected is edited to be attached to the file accompanying each component and equipment. After undergoing the most stringent inspection and testing programme, they receive the NEU-JKF Process label and can be shipped to the site with their test sheet.

  • rotary valve
    Waiting tests
  • preassembled equipment
    Preassembled equipment
  • test bench
    Rotary valve on test bench
  • rotation test
    Rotation test
  • heat tracing
    Tracing test
  • stainless steel hopper
    Assembly and test

NEU-JKF Process Customer Service

We don't just design equipment and installations: we also replace, follow-up, maintain and service them.

You wish to contact us?

NEU-JKF Process


PA de la Houssoye - rue Ampère
59930 La Chapelle d'Armentières